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Persian Rugs


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Persian rugs, inspired by Persian culture and an antique manifestation of Iranian culture, give off a glimpse of generational craftsmanship. The artifice to fabricate the Persian rugs is passed through generations. These notable rugs are antique pieces, knotted by hand and representing traditional geometry, botanical figures and motifs. 

Material for fabricating Persian rugs

Persian rugs have a finely  proportioned pattern, along with an adorable embellishment. Materials used are commonly cotton or  wool; while silk adds to luxurious details.  The Persian rugs are knotted through the Senneh knotting method, which is a single loop knitting technique. This identifies the Persian style of rug crafting. 

Different Iranian regions produce various styled persian rugs, manufactured by distinct color palettes, patterns and knitting techniques. 

Rug & rugs’ instant delivery of persian floor clothing product

‘Rug & rugs’ rug shop supplies affordable persian rugs your way. The species of persian rugs include Kirman overdyed rugs and Kirman whitewash rugs. Our delivery network is trusted and always stays put. Therefore, our customers receive orders without delay.